Create positivi…

Create positivity and maintain it on your part.

“It is your daily mood that makes the weather. You possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. You can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, You can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is your response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.

You are the change!

Cold as you…


You come with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you.With a way of coming easily to me.When you take, you take the very best of me.So I started a fight to feel something but you do what you wanted as I’m not what you wanted. You put up walls and paint them all with a shade of gray as I stood there praying that it would all go away. Now I’m sitting here thinking it through with the realization that I’ve never been anywhere as cold as you.

What a rainy ending given to a perfect day.



Being in a relationship, its not always about the little arguments that 1 couple has. Its about how both parties sustain the relationship, learn about each other more and understand each other’s views and stand-points. Sometimes we are just a little too naughty to step on each other’s shoes as we find it cute to see them ‘explode’ once in a while and how well they can tolerate certain words and actions.

To be frank, what I’ve learnt so much about her is she’s a fussy eater hence i get to taste all the good foods that my family and I have never tried before. She’s very competitve in many things just that she doesnt like to ‘accept the fact’. She loves to eat thats why shes so adorable and chubby to hold. She loves God, a very religious amd traditional person. Shes a very stubborn and strong willed girl. No matter how many no’s you tell her, she will bloody hell make it a yes in your face. Shes super duper adorable and bubbly especially when she laughs. LOL.. She’s friendly and trustworthy, thats why people hear her name, some are even afraid of her. (Hint hint ;p) She’s fierce like a ferocious tiger! Meow, roarrr! And she’s creative especially in giving gifts.. Love her gifts no matter how small or big. It is always from her weary heart. (Sorry I’ve always been the one wearing us. Will you please accept the non-romantic apology?)


When it comes to a  conversation you have always been in a rush ,never stay long enough on the phone or there will always be obstacles every now then despite any situation like as if we cant  have our own time peacefully.   .You always say you would call back etc but it always seems like you would take ages  to do so and worse even to reach you  it seems impossible as there will always be excuses while there is a need for me to understand. But when it comes to you, you dont do the same .It seems like time isn’t an essence to you. You always took the advice but do the opposite acting like you are young and stupid  . But all  I can only say is  that you have not been all that i could have hope for as you are too self important.