“Living with in…

“Living with integrity means:
Not settling for less than what you deserve in your relationships. Not being afraid to ask for what you want and need from your partner. Speaking the truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that you are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.

Perfection ?

999100_10151709530009130_1513070812_n Dear love, do you  still remember the happy time we have together especially for this picture.. To me, The smile on our face was undeniable .I dont know about you. But no matter how angry or impulsive i am , the promise, the memories we had together will always remind me that this love didn’t just come by chances but the heart we had for each other initially, Even till now  my heart has never wavered a bit despite the hurts and words you said to me out of emotions.I am sorry for the hurts that i have created that has leave a scar in you that no matter how much i put in effort to heal it you seems to be avoiding it especially when certain issues or things reminds you of your past that seems similar . I was never once influenced by what other say about our relationship because i know it was true.Yesterday was consider a new start for the relationship yet all of a sudden today you over turn the table unknowingly..  I know that i am not perfect but i keep trying because that was what i promise you from the start …  But it seems like the love isn’t enough for you in this rocky journey that we been through.But to me it is worst to finish then to start everything over again