Happy 5th Monthsary!

Happy 5th Monthsary!

Time really passes by so fast and we’re already in our 5th month as a couple together already. Though yesterday’s 1 of the best days we had, I believe and pray that there’s more to come, trust me!

Firstly, I would like to thank God for allowing me to have such an adorable, beautiful and yet naughty girlfriend! I am grateful to have her around me, no matter what happens in our lives, she’ll always be strong to overcome negativities with me together. I am grateful for her protection, training and advices. It’s shaped me to who I am supposed to be even though it took me a while to look at her perspective.

Secondly, I am thankful that she’s brought me into her faith and allowing me to understand more about God, Christianity, Jesus and spirituality. It has allowed me to feel more happy, energized and less doubtful of myself and even others. It has also allowed me to clear my misunderstandings regarding this religion during Alpha course.

Thirdly, I am thankful that when I’m with her, I am able to learn more about how to be like a man and act like a man. She has also allowed me to learn what’s my strengths and weaknesses and which areas I can improve on.

Last but not least, I would like to thank you for the unexpected surprise gifts. I really love them and will cherish them always. I am touched by your efforts and love shown not just on the gift itself (by waiting for more than 30 mins of your time while the craftsman finished doing the Guitar keychain with my name engraved. Or even spending the whole night binding, cutting, pasting and writing the memories and notes on the sketch book) , but through everyday life. Like for example, coming over to my house when I’m sick or having conjunctivities even though you only slept a bit just as to revise for your tests or rehearsing for your project presentation.

Thank you very much. I’m sorry if I complained or doubted your words and actions in the past as I wasn’t sure myself what’s going on until you have to explain the whole rationale behind it. (I’m kind of slow and blur you see. :p )

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