Where did I get my attitude from?

Where did I get my attitude from?

Personality- Who you are

Our personality type- our natural ‘wiring’ impacts our attitude. That’s not to say that we’re trapped by our personality, because we are not. But our attitude is certainly impacted by it.

Environment- What’s around you

The environment we were exposed to growing up definitely has an impact on our attitude. Let me ask you a question. Did your parents go through a divorce? That may cause you to have a mistrustful attitude towards members of the opposite sex.

It may be hard to predict exactly what will happen to a person’s attitude based on his/her early environment, but you can be certain that it made an impact of some kind.

The expression of others- What you feel

“Hurting people hurt people and are easily hurt by them.” (Most people can remember the harsh words of a parent or teacher even years or decades after the fact. Some people carry the scars of such experiences their entire lives.) Likewise, positive words can have an impact on a person’s attitude.

“There is little difference in people, but the little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”

1) Vanguard of your true self.
2) Its root is inward but its fruit is outward.
3) Best friend or enemy.
4) More honest and consistent about you than your words.
5) Your outward look based on your past experiences.
6) What draws people to you or repels them.
7) Never content until its expressed.
8) Librarian of your past.
9) Speaker of your present.
10) Prophet of your future.

Hence, your attitude colours every aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paint brush.

2 thoughts on “Where did I get my attitude from?

  1. Pingback: When sadness Reigns! | Jacqui Senn

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